Django vs Laravel | who is best Framework in 2018 for Web App Developers?

As you heard! 2018 is the year of a lot of up-down changes since the new technologies made and replace – it shakes a lot! Whether it counts revenue, business, statistics, records, or I say web developers. Now you think how it affects web developers? Right As you know, the turnaround has constantly gone on, as new technology incepts in the market, it hardly destroys the work of developers; they have to get more skilled and perfect in on-going trends of web app development technology. The Google Trend Shows Source: Google It shows (on average count) that Django framework played amazing b/w the year 2012-2015 , but after (it decreases) what happens the interest of developers switched to laravel framework ? Here, my friend, this is it...take relief breath, and read my blog to know which one is best according to the year we live and mold our self in trends. The main purpose of web development frameworks is making the task simpler and adds on the m...