IOT Raising the Android Application Development Platform
IOT Raising the Android Application Development Platform “ Android has already become pervasive in the developed and the developing world” Since from the initial release of Android (25 Sept. 2008) till present (2018), fascinating and capturing the whole market with billion users every year. Android serve melodious journey from ‘Gingerbread to Oreo’ with every new and advance version. ‘ Technology and Application’ are co-related. Yes, it is true because with every new innovation, technology immensely growing and making the consumers more materialistic. Similarly, with every new launched application it fruitfully serves customizable, integration and flexible application with high-end security coding that makes the customer more materialistic toward android OS. It is fact that we all are surrounded by technology and we daily operate those technologies to make things simple, which is known as Internet of Things (IOT) . IOT is an electronic series of physical devices,...