7 Top amazing Programming Languages for Android App Development

Have your pick..! Let’s try to understand the term Android, first of all, it’s an operating system which is developed by Google , belongs on an upgraded form of the Linux kernel and some other Open Source software and firstly android is create for touchscreen of tablet and smartphone. The production of Android devices increases with that result of Programming Languages for Android App development also get in the demand. In the journey of A Baseband to Phone application all the steps are tightly bounded with native libraries, Application framework and Linux Kernel. As shown in the picture below. Meanwhile android becoming a best-selling operating system over the world of a smartphone by 2011 and on the other hand, the tablets are following the path of the smartphone on since 2013 . The amazing thing happens in 2017 the number of the monthly android active user is 2 billion. In June 2018 android become the largest installed base as compared to any oth...